
A welcome kit for #CodeNewbies

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Provide resources to help newbie devs get their journey started. Our focus is on helping underrepresented newbie devs feel like they belong

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Starting with physical snail mail welcome kits. Eventually will gather a website, I think.

Ideas of things to Include



I need help finding emails for for the ones I haven’t contacted yet.


(Details about contact)

How you can help


(this idea is in it’s infancy and could use ALL ideas. Have ideas? DM me on twitter or submit a pull request.)


Many Thanks for Contributing

This couldn’t happen without you. Thank you so much for your contibution to helping newbie devs feel welcomed to the community.

Who Contributing
HelpDocs sticker sheets
FlyTrap stickers
You or Your company? ?
You? ?
Your company? ?

Disclosure: ALL donations/contributions will be given to #CodeNewbies. No profit will taken.

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